Thursday, September 21, 2006


Why am I Doing it?

A number of reasons. Bicycles are a viable alternative to combustion powered transportation and are often not regarded as such. This is a world wide problem, but in a variety of intensities. I am hoping that observers of this tour will question why they require an automobile to complete smaller trips in daily life.

The Tour d'Afrique Foundation donates culturally specific new bicycles to health care workers in various countries in Africa. Not only does this cut down on the amount of combustion-related emissions, this also increases the geographic range of health care workers not able to afford to acquire or even maintain a motor vehicle in Africa's harsh environment.

I am raising funds for this foundation to further the bicycle's presence on our planet. Every $100USD raised will purchase a bicycle for an African health care worker.

If you would like to donate toward this worthy cause, please see the donation links in the side bar (on left) and/or contact me. I can offer promotional and/or motivational talks before and after my journey. Any small amount helps, thank-you.

For more information on the Tour d'Afrique Foundation, please see the links on the right side of this page on the Tour's site.

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